Youtube to AI Summary

Status - 09-04-2024

  1. Create POC with StreamLit and backend with FastAPI.
  2. send to Nate and post on discord servers for feedback
  3. if valid idea
  4. Create React + Tailwind frontend for better aesthetics


eventually just build like a gradio project to share on hugging face, that is youtube client where you can type a topic or an idea

Feasible idea (matched with stuff from above) => "YouTube Search Summary"

  1. searches for the idea
  2. grabs top 5 videos
  3. makes and compares the youtube summaries
  4. use ML or DL to judge how good the summary is
  5. returns a write-up about the search query and gives recommendations for the best videos to watch for the most context.


Breakdown the just code in obsidian so the concepts stick and can be referenced,

Finish the tutorial and add unit testing and stuff with pytest or unit test 
instead of restarting the tutorial or continuing, because it is outdated. follow along with the fastapi documentation and try to reimplement all the features this project has

Use videos as a guide but use documentation first

Youtube Resources
FastAPI Documentation



  1. tasks in tasks are stuck at in progress.
  2. looking for summaries and transcriptions; I find nothing in the fastapi python server
  3. need to check the youtube to ai script to see where it could be saving the summaries and transcriptions and to see how long the script is taking
    1. make a test runner file that can test the functions of the youtube to ai python script inside fastapi